How to drive traffic on your website in one week.
As a Digital Marketing Agency in Pune | Digital Marketing Company in Pune I want to tell you that, you need to follow organic and paid campaign on drive traffic on your website in one week. Paid Media PPC Activity on Google Re Targetting on Google Network Website Do some click ads on google do display ads on google Do some paid social media reach kind of campaign Do some affiliated marketing for getting click on your website Organic Way Social Media Reguler Posting In this case, you need to post regulerly content and images including your website link so people can click on it Share social media post on different communitiy to drive traffic from that source. Google In this do ON Page SEO - If your keyword sand topic are nich then it might be rank on google as soon as possible. Do blogging on blogger website to drvie traffic Share your blogs to target audience by any method Backlinks Create backlinks to drive tarrif Blog commenting Directory...