What is a redirect?
A divert is a method for sending the two clients and web search tools to an alternate URL from the one they initially mentioned. The three most usually utilized diverts are 301, 302, and Meta Refresh. Sorts of sidetracks 301, “Moved Permanently” — suggested for SEO .302, “Found” or “Moved Temporarily” .Meta Refresh 301 moved forever: A 301 divert is a super durable divert that passes full connection value (positioning capacity) to the diverted page. 301 alludes to the HTTP status code for this sort of divert. In many occurrences, the 301 divert is the best strategy for carrying out diverts on a site. 302 found: Utilize 302 sidetracks when the URL of an asset is changed for a brief time. A portion of Google’s representatives have demonstrated that there are situations where 301s and 302s might be dealt with in basically the same manner, yet our proof proposes that the most secure method for guaranteeing web search tools and programs of numerous sorts give full credit is to utilize ...